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How To Clean Your Laptop

How To Clean Your Laptop

If you are like most people, your laptop probably gets dirty now and then. Do you know how to clean it? It is no important what model or make you have, it takes little time for your laptop to start looking rather dirty – your screen gets dusty and the keyboard and all the ports and vents become filthy.

Take the right things to clean your laptop

You will need a few things in order to do it:

  • A special screen cleaner solution that you will need for your screen.
  • You will need the following for the rest of it: a plastic container, some isopropyl alcohol, some soap or mild dish detergent, a can of compressed air, and a couple of soft lint-free cloths.

Preparation for cleaning

Before you begin the cleaning operation, turn off power supply and unplug the power cord, and then remove the battery. Detach the mouse, remove any CDs, memory sticks or discs, and detach any other object that is attached or connected to your machine. They will only make your work more complicated.

Initial cleaning

You will have to use compressed air if you decide to clean your laptop leaving the keys attached. Take the can that you prepared, tilt it a bit and spray – make sure that you hold it upright. If you are not satisfied with the quality of cleaning, you can tilt your laptop slightly, just make sure not to drop your machine or damage it in the process. Keep on spraying until you see that you got rid of all the dust and dirt.

Laptop cleaning

Use the can of compressed air again to clean all the ports and openings. Keep on spraying until they are clean. After that is done, fill the plastic container with isopropyl alcohol and warm water in equal proportions. Saturate your cloth with this cleaning solution and then squeeze excessive water out. Make sure that no moisture gets inside your laptop. Wipe all the panels and sides of your laptop until they are clean. Let the machine dry before you move on to the next stage.

Screen cleaning

This should be your last operation when the rest of your machine is already clean. Use a special screen cleaner for cleaning your screen. Put some of it on the cloth and wipe the screen clean. Put some more cleaner on the other part of the cloth and go over the screen again. Make sure that you don’t use much pressure. Never use normal soap or any glass cleaner as it can damage the screen.

Final stage

After your laptop is clean and dry, you can reattach the battery and connect the power cord. You can also reattach the mouse and insert all the disks that were in your machine before. Now, you know how to clean your laptop and can teach others to do that.
