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Every home or office strives to promote high hygiene within their premises. Cleanliness not only safeguards occupants from infections but also creates a conducive atmosphere for work.

Measures to eliminate water-damage

Measures to eliminate water-damage

One of the most frequent causes of damage of residential buildings and premises with water are floods caused by excessive amounts of rain and breakage of water supply pipes. Despite the fact that such disasters always happen unexpectedly, one should act quickly to carry out water-damage cleanup in order to minimize possible damage and prevent water from completely destroying the house. To do this, everyone needs to adhere to a certain algorithm of work, and then even a strong flood can not bring damage to a critical level and may be eliminated in a short period of time.

The following tips to minimize destruction that are worth mentioning are:

  • First of all, stop the flow of the water if the cause of the flood is a breakdown of a pipeline;
  • Immediately turn off all electrical appliances and remove all the devices from the area where water can get, otherwise they can break down and even cause a short circuit;
  • To prevent stains from furniture and rust from appearing on the floor, small pieces of furniture should be removed; some waterproof materials such as aluminum foil should be placed under large objects – this will also protect the furniture itself from water damage;
  • Also, it is necessary to carefully inspect the space under large objects, such as a sofa or beds, so that nothing of value might remain there;
  • In case a failure occurs in a sewage system, it’s not recommended turning on a fan or a heating system, since such procedures will only aggravate the contamination.

In order to prevent possible flooding, it is periodically required to check all the equipment that functions directly with water – a washing machine, a dishwasher, etc. If leakage or corrosion attack is found after the inspection, these damages must be eliminated. Also, it is necessary to check the pipes for cracks and in case of defects they should be eliminated immediately in order to avoid expensive repairs in the future.

If you still can not avoid troubles, our specialists are always ready to help and provide qualified help, quickly eliminating all the problems. The use of the most advanced equipment allows us to conduct a high-quality water-damage cleanup and achieve complete elimination of the problem in the shortest possible time, because speed is the key factor in this case. We guarantee a positive result of work and are ready to help in eliminating an unpleasant but quickly removable flood.
